Source code for ckan_api_client.tests.utils.http

"""Utilities for handling / checking HTTP responses"""

import cgi
import warnings

[docs]def check_response_ok(response, status_code=200): """ .. warning:: deprecated function. Use :py:func:`check_api_v3_response`. """ warnings.warn( "check_response_ok() is deprecated -- use check_api_v3_response()", DeprecationWarning) return check_api_v3_response(response, status_code=status_code)
[docs]def check_response_error(response, status_code): """ .. warning:: deprecated function. Use :py:func:`check_api_v3_error`. """ warnings.warn( "check_response_ok() is deprecated -- use check_api_v3_error()", DeprecationWarning) return check_api_v3_error(response, status_code=status_code)
[docs]def check_api_v3_response(response, status_code=200): """ Make sure that ``response`` is a valid successful response from API v3. - check http status code to be in the 200-299 range - check http status code to match ``status_code`` - check content-type to be application/json - check charset to be utf-8 - check content body to be valid json - make sure response object contains the ``success``, ``result`` and ``help`` keys. - check that ``success`` is True - check that ``error`` key is not in the response :param response: a ``requests`` response :param status_code: http status code to be checked (default: 200) """ assert response.ok assert response.status_code == status_code # The API should always return json! content_type = cgi.parse_header(response.headers['content-type']) assert content_type[0] == 'application/json' assert content_type[1]['charset'] == 'utf-8' data = response.json() # This thing was successful! assert data['success'] is True assert 'result' in data assert 'error' not in data assert 'help' in data # :( return data
[docs]def check_api_v3_error(response, status_code): """ Make sure that ``response`` is a valid error response from API v3. - check http status code to match ``status_code`` :param response: a ``requests`` response :param status_code: http status code to be checked """ assert not response.ok assert response.status_code == status_code # Should return json anyways.. content_type = cgi.parse_header(response.headers['content-type']) assert content_type[0] == 'application/json' assert content_type[1]['charset'] == 'utf-8' data = response.json() # This is an error! assert data['success'] is False assert 'error' in data assert 'result' not in data return data