Source code for ckan_api_client.tests.utils.generate

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generate some dummy data, for testing purposes

import json
import random
import string

from .strings import gen_random_id, gen_picture

[docs]def generate_organization(): """ Generate a random organization object, with: - ``name``, random, example: ``"org-abc123"`` - ``title``, random, example: ``"Organization abc123"`` - ``description``, random - ``image``, url pointing to a random-generated pic """ random_id = gen_random_id(10) return { "name": "org-{0}".format(random_id), # Used as key "title": "Organization {0}".format(random_id), "description": "Description of organization {0}".format(random_id), "image_url": gen_picture(random_id), # "extras": [], # "tags": [], }
[docs]def generate_group(): """ Generate a random group object, with: - ``name``, random, example: ``"grp-abc123"`` - ``title``, random, example: ``"Group abc123"`` - ``description``, random - ``image``, url pointing to a random-generated pic """ random_id = gen_random_id(10) return { "name": "grp-{0}".format(random_id), # Used as key "title": "Group {0}".format(random_id), "description": "Description of group {0}".format(random_id), "image_url": gen_picture(random_id), # "extras": [], # "tags": [], }
[docs]def generate_dataset(): """ Generate a dataset, populated with random data. **Fields:** - ``name`` -- random string, in the form ``dataset-{random}`` - ``title`` -- random string, in the form ``Dataset {random}`` - ``author`` -- random-generated name - ``author_email`` -- random-generated email address - ``license_id`` -- random license id. One of ``cc-by``, ``cc-zero``, ``cc-by-sa`` or ``notspecified``. - ``maintainer`` -- random-generated name - ``maintainer_email`` -- random-generated email address - ``notes`` -- random string, containing some markdown - ``owner_org`` -- set to None - ``private`` -- Fixed to ``False`` - ``tags`` -- random list of tags (strings) - ``type`` -- fixed string: ``"dataset"`` - ``url`` -- random url of dataset on an "external source" - ``extras`` -- dictionary containing random key / value pairs - ``groups`` -- empty list - ``resources`` -- list of random resources - ``relationships`` -- empty list .. note:: The ``owner_org`` and ``groups`` fields will be blank, as they must match with existing groups / organizations and we don't have access to database from here (nor is it in the scope of this function!) """ random_id = gen_random_id(15) license_id = random.choice(( 'cc-by', 'cc-zero', 'cc-by-sa', 'notspecified')) resources = [] for i in xrange(random.randint(1, 8)): resources.append(generate_resource()) return { # ------------------------------------------------------------ # WARNING! This is the **internal** id of the external # service, which will need to be moved to # dataset['extras']['_harvest_source_id'] # ------------------------------------------------------------ # "id": random_id, # Name should be taken as a "suggestion": in case of naming conflict # with an existing dataset, it just be changed (todo: how?) "name": "dataset-{0}".format(random_id), "title": "Dataset {0}".format(random_id), "url": "{0}".format(random_id), "type": "dataset", "maintainer_email": "maintainer-{0}".format(random_id), "maintainer": "Maintainer {0}".format(random_id), "author_email": "author-{0}".format(random_id), "author": "Author {0}".format(random_id), "license_id": license_id, "private": False, "notes": "Notes for **dataset** {0}.".format(random_id), # "state": "active", # automatic # Let's generate some tags "tags": generate_tags(random.randint(0, 10)), # Let's put some random stuff in here.. "extras": generate_extras(random.randint(0, 30)), # Some dummy resources "resources": resources, # Need to be randomized later, to match existing groups "groups": [], # Need to be randomized later, to match existing orgs "owner_org": None, # WTF is this thing? "relationships": [], }
[docs]def generate_resource(): """ Generate a random resource, to be put in a dataset. **Fields:** - ``url`` -- resource URL on an "external source" - ``resource_type`` -- one of ``api`` or ``file`` - ``name`` -- random-generated name - ``format`` -- a random format (eg: ``csv``, ``json``) - ``description`` -- random generated string """ random_id = gen_random_id() fmt = random.choice(['csv', 'json']) url = '{0}.{1}'.format(random_id, fmt) return { "url": url, "resource_type": random.choice(['api', 'file']), "name": "resource-{0}".format(random_id), "format": fmt.upper(), "description": "Resource {0}".format(random_id), }
[docs]def generate_tags(amount): """ Generate ``amount`` random tags. Each tag is in the form ``tag-<random-int>``. :return: a list of tag names """ return [ 'tag-{0:03d}'.format(random.randint(0, 50)) for _ in xrange(amount) ]
[docs]def generate_extras(amount): """ Generate a dict with ``amount`` random key/value pairs. """ pairs = [ ('key-{0:03d}'.format(random.randint(0, 50)), 'value {0:03d}'.format(random.randint(0, 50))) for _ in xrange(amount)] return dict(pairs)
[docs]def generate_data(dataset_count=50, orgs_count=10, groups_count=15): """ Generate a bunch of random data. Will also associate datasets with random organizations / groups. :return: a dict with the ``dataset``, ``organization`` and ``group`` keys; each of them a dict of ``{key: object}``. """ data = {'dataset': {}, 'organization': {}, 'group': {}} for _ in xrange(orgs_count): org = generate_organization() data['organization'][org['name']] = org for _ in xrange(groups_count): group = generate_group() data['group'][group['name']] = group for _ in xrange(dataset_count): dataset = generate_dataset() dataset['groups'] = [ random.choice(data['group'].keys()) for x in xrange(random.randint(1, 5)) ] dataset['owner_org'] = random.choice(data['organization'].keys()) data['dataset'][dataset['id']] = dataset return data
[docs]def generate_id(length=10): pool = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(pool) for _ in xrange(length))
if __name__ == '__main__': import os import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: destdir = sys.argv[1] else: destdir = os.getcwd() destdir = os.path.abspath(destdir) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) if not os.path.isdir(destdir): raise ValueError("Not a directory: {0}".format(destdir)) if len(os.listdir(destdir)): raise ValueError("Directory not empty: {0}".format(destdir)) print("Generating data") data = generate_data() os.chdir(destdir) for n in ('dataset', 'group', 'organization'): print("Writing {0}".format(n)) os.makedirs(n) for key, val in data[n].iteritems(): print(" * {0} {1}".format(n, key)) with open(os.path.join(destdir, n, key), 'w') as f: json.dump(val, f)