Source code for ckan_api_client.high_level

import logging
import random
import string

from .objects import CkanDataset, CkanOrganization, CkanGroup
from .low_level import CkanLowlevelClient
from .exceptions import OperationFailure, HTTPError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CkanHighlevelClient(object): """ High-level client, handling CRUD of objects. This class only returns / handles CkanObjects, to make sure we are handling consistent data (they have validators in place) :param base_url: Base URL for the Ckan instance. :param api_key: API key to be used when accessing Ckan. This is required for writing. :param fail_on_inconsistency: Whether to fail on "inconsistencies" (mismatching updated objects). This is especially useful during development, in order to catch many problems with the client itself (or new bugs in Ckan..). """ def __init__(self, base_url, api_key=None, fail_on_inconsistency=False): self._client = CkanLowlevelClient(base_url, api_key) self._fail_on_inconsistency = fail_on_inconsistency # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Datasets management # ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def list_datasets(self): """:return: a list of dataset ids""" return self._client.list_datasets()
[docs] def iter_datasets(self): """Generator, iterating over all the datasets in ckan""" for id in self.list_datasets(): yield self.get_dataset(id)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, id, allow_deleted=False): """ Get a specific dataset, by id .. note:: Since the Ckan API use both ids and names as keys, both :py:meth:`get_dataset` and :py:meth:`get_dataset_by_name` will perform the exact same request in the background. The difference is only in the high-level handling: the function will check whether the expected id has the correct value, and raise an HTTPError(404, ..) otherwise.. :param str id: the dataset id :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanDataset <.objects.ckan_dataset.CkanDataset>` """ data = self._client.get_dataset(id) if data['id'] != id: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) dataset id mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) dataset state is deleted') return CkanDataset(data)
[docs] def get_dataset_by_name(self, name, allow_deleted=False): """ Get a specific dataset, by name .. note:: See note on :py:meth:`get_dataset` :param str name: the dataset name :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanDataset <.objects.ckan_dataset.CkanDataset>` """ data = self._client.get_dataset(name) if data['name'] != name: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) dataset name mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) dataset state is deleted') return CkanDataset(data)
[docs] def save_dataset(self, dataset): """ If the dataset already has an id, call :py:meth:`update_dataset`, otherwise, call :py:meth:`create_dataset`. :return: as returned by the called function. :rtype: :py:class:`CkanDataset <.objects.ckan_dataset.CkanDataset>` """ if not isinstance(dataset, CkanDataset): raise TypeError("Dataset must be a CkanDataset") if is not None: return self.update_dataset(dataset) return self.create_dataset(dataset)
[docs] def create_dataset(self, dataset): """ Create a dataset :rtype: :py:class:`CkanDataset <.objects.ckan_dataset.CkanDataset>` """ if not isinstance(dataset, CkanDataset): raise TypeError("dataset must be a CkanDataset") if is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify an id when creating an object") data = self._client.post_dataset(dataset.serialize()) created = CkanDataset(data) if not created.is_equivalent(dataset): self._mismatching_object("Created dataset doesn't match", dataset, created) return created
[docs] def update_dataset(self, dataset): """ Update a dataset :rtype: :py:class:`CkanDataset <.objects.ckan_dataset.CkanDataset>` """ if not isinstance(dataset, CkanDataset): raise TypeError("Dataset must be a CkanDataset") if is None: raise ValueError("Trying to update a dataset without an id") # ------------------------------------------------------------ # We need the original dataset to make sure # we are updating things correctly. original_dataset = self.get_dataset( updates_dict = dataset.serialize() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Process the Extras field # In order to remove an "extras" field, we need to # explicitly set its value to None # todo: we should track changes on the "extras" field in order # to make sure we aren't accidentally removing fields # that have been added in the meanwhile.. for key in original_dataset.extras: if key not in updates_dict['extras']: updates_dict['extras'][key] = None # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Actually send HTTP request to update the dataset data = self._client.put_dataset(updates_dict) updated = CkanDataset(data) # Make sure the returned dataset matches the desired state if not updated.is_equivalent(dataset): self._mismatching_object("Updated dataset doesn't match", dataset, updated) return updated
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, id): """Delete a dataset, by id""" self._client.delete_dataset(id)
[docs] def wipe_dataset(self, id): """Actually delete a dataset, by renaming it first""" dataset = self.get_dataset(id) chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits = 'deleted-{0}'.format(''.join( random.choice(chars) for i in xrange(10))) self.update_dataset(dataset) self.delete_dataset(id) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Organizations management # ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def list_organizations(self): return [ self.get_organization_by_name(name).id for name in self.list_organization_names() ]
[docs] def list_organization_names(self): return self._client.list_organizations()
[docs] def iter_organizations(self): for name in self.list_organization_names(): yield self.get_organization_by_name(name)
[docs] def get_organization(self, id, allow_deleted=False): """ Get organization, by id. .. note:: See note on :py:meth:`get_dataset` :param str id: the organization id :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanOrganization <.objects.ckan_organization.CkanOrganization>` """ data = self._client.get_organization(id) if data['id'] != id: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) organization id mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) organization state is deleted') if 'extras' in data: data['extras'] = _destupidize_dict(data['extras']) return CkanOrganization(data)
[docs] def get_organization_by_name(self, name, allow_deleted=False): """ Get organization by name. .. note:: See note on :py:meth:`get_dataset` :param str name: the organization name :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanOrganization <.objects.ckan_organization.CkanOrganization>` """ data = self._client.get_organization(name) if data['name'] != name: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) organization name mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) organization state is deleted') if 'extras' in data: data['extras'] = _destupidize_dict(data['extras']) return CkanOrganization(data)
[docs] def save_organization(self, organization): if not isinstance(organization, CkanOrganization): raise TypeError("Organization must be a CkanOrganization") if is not None: return self.update_organization(organization) return self.create_organization(organization)
[docs] def create_organization(self, organization): """ Create an organization :rtype: :py:class:`CkanOrganization <.objects.ckan_organization.CkanOrganization>` """ if not isinstance(organization, CkanOrganization): raise TypeError("Organization must be a CkanOrganization") if is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify an id when creating an object") serialized = organization.serialize() if 'extras' in serialized: serialized['extras'] = _stupidize_dict(serialized['extras']) data = self._client.post_organization(serialized) if 'extras' in data: data['extras'] = _destupidize_dict(data['extras']) created = CkanOrganization(data) if not created.is_equivalent(organization): self._mismatching_object("Created organization doesn't match", organization, created) return created
[docs] def update_organization(self, organization): """ :rtype: :py:class:`CkanOrganization <.objects.ckan_organization.CkanOrganization>` """ if not isinstance(organization, CkanOrganization): raise TypeError("Organization must be a CkanOrganization") if is None: raise ValueError("Trying to update a organization without an id") serialized = organization.serialize() if 'extras' in serialized: serialized['extras'] = _stupidize_dict(serialized['extras']) data = self._client.put_organization(serialized) if 'extras' in data: data['extras'] = _destupidize_dict(data['extras']) updated = CkanOrganization(data) if not updated.is_equivalent(organization): self._mismatching_object("Updated organization doesn't match", organization, updated) return updated
[docs] def delete_organization(self, id): self._client.delete_organization(id) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Groups management # The list from the API is at /api/2/rest/group and it will # correctly return group ids. # ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def list_groups(self): return self._client.list_groups()
[docs] def list_group_names(self): return [ self.get_group(id).name for id in self.list_groups() ]
[docs] def iter_groups(self): for id in self.list_groups(): yield self.get_group(id)
[docs] def get_group(self, id, allow_deleted=False): """ Get group, by id. .. note:: See note on :py:meth:`get_dataset` :param str id: the group id :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanGroup <.objects.ckan_group.CkanGroup>` """ data = self._client.get_group(id) if data['id'] != id: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) group id mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) group state is deleted') return CkanGroup(data)
[docs] def get_group_by_name(self, name, allow_deleted=False): """ Get group by name. .. note:: See note on :py:meth:`get_dataset` :param str name: the group name :param allow_deleted: Whether to return even logically deleted objects. If set to ``False`` (the default) will raise a ``HTTPError(404, ..)`` if ``state != 'active'`` :rtype: :py:class:`CkanGroup <.objects.ckan_group.CkanGroup>` """ data = self._client.get_group(name) if data['name'] != name: raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) group name mismatch') if not (allow_deleted or data['state'] == 'active'): raise HTTPError(404, '(logical) group state is deleted') return CkanGroup(data)
[docs] def save_group(self, group): if not isinstance(group, CkanGroup): raise TypeError("Group must be a CkanGroup") if is not None: return self.update_group(group) return self.create_group(group)
[docs] def create_group(self, group): """ :rtype: :py:class:`CkanGroup <.objects.ckan_group.CkanGroup>` """ if not isinstance(group, CkanGroup): raise TypeError("Group must be a CkanGroup") if is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify an id when creating an object") data = self._client.post_group(group.serialize()) created = CkanGroup(data) if not created.is_equivalent(group): self._mismatching_object("Created group doesn't match", group, created) return created
[docs] def update_group(self, group): """ :rtype: :py:class:`CkanGroup <.objects.ckan_group.CkanGroup>` """ if not isinstance(group, CkanGroup): raise TypeError("Group must be a CkanGroup") if is None: raise ValueError("Trying to update a group without an id") data = self._client.put_group(group.serialize()) updated = CkanGroup(data) if not updated.is_equivalent(group): self._mismatching_object("Updated group doesn't match", group, updated) return updated
[docs] def delete_group(self, id): return self._client.delete_group(id)
def _mismatching_object(self, message, expected, actual): logger.warning(message) logger.warning("Differences: {0!r}".format( if self._fail_on_inconsistency: raise OperationFailure(message) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Utility functions # ------------------------------------------------------------
def _stupidize_dict(mydict): """Convert a dictionary to a list of ``{key: ..., value: ...}``""" return [ {'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in mydict.iteritems() ] def _destupidize_dict(mylist): """The opposite of _stupidize_dict()""" output = {} for item in mylist: output[item['key']] = item['value'] return output